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BIONDI, Fabrizio; SANTOLI, Livio; CUMO, Fabrizio. Geographical information systems as environmental and energy planning tool: a case study. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: PLEA, 2001. p. 621 - 624.
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The Geographical Information System (GIS) is an informative tool able to analyse and describe physical and human phenomena on the earth surface. In Italy Institutions and Associations responsible for the environmental and territorial control widely use GIS in sustainable environmental design (urban, green areas, industry, etc.), for monitoring of social phenomena and even preventing and the managing of emergency situations (geological and seismic risks). The paper deals with the application of the GIS for the energy and environmental planning of a small town (Mentana, Lazio), placed in a mild climate in the central part of Italy near Rome. Methodologies and procedures have been tested on the basis of simulation codes to identify the most relevant features of territorial planning.