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Wilde, Pieter; Voorden, Marinus. Rethinking the tools to supoort design of passive and low energy buildings. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 7.
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 The theme of PLEA2003 is ' rethinking development' which addresses a re-orientation of building design practice towards creation and improvement of a new, more sustainable built environment. Within this theme 'methods and tools for design support' and an important factor, development of these methods and tools has been part of the development of sustainable building technology for the last three decades. Efforts in this field have resulted in a multitudeof methods and tools being available. Work on development of methods and tools for ' sustainable design' continues today, with RD teams having many different perspectives and working on diverse aspects like tools for strategic or pre-design, interfaces, links with CAD - packages, simultaneous simulation, inclusion of emerging building technologies or components certification, decision supoort, application in different design phases, code-checking, holistic approaches, definition of relevant key performance indicators, etc. This paper provides on overview of the main categories of efforts on development of tools for passive and low energy architecture, which are defined by discerning design tools, modeling tools and analysis tools, as well as the envisioned users of these tools (designers or domain experts working in a design team context ). Prospects of each of these categories of efforts to support the move towards a more sustainable architectural profession will be discussed.