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ISLAM, Ishrat; ARIF, Qazi. Transformation of architecture for shopping facilities in Bangladesh: perplexity between economics, environment and equity. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p. 1 - 7.
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 In Bangladesh, there have been traditional market places, where people shop, spend some time and socialize with others from all walks of life. The morphology of shopping places had gone thru different stages of evolution over the ages. Since independence, the capital city Dhaka, has experienced tremendous population influx and turned into a mega-city with apparently flourishing business and commercial activities. In the last two decades, establishment of shopping facilities emerged as a significant sector of investment. These shopping facilities are so designed, that they adhere to the so-called ‘contemporary’ preposterous interior and exterior. They are facilitated with mechanically controlled environment and thus, attain an incredulous global image. Most of these structures illustrate lack of appropriate sensitivity to the climate and environment in design concept and approach. These facilities are designed to cater the affluent class, secluding away from the common people. This research aims to study the transformation of architecture for shopping facilities in Dhaka city from the perspective of their appropriateness in terms of architecture, context, energy consciousness and socio-cultural orientation. The study would target to investigate the cumulative impact of these buildings on urban morphology, activity pattern, environment and life style.