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ROJAS, Rosa et al. Assessment of passive design strategies for energy conservation in arid regions: rural housing in Baja California, Mexico. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p.1 - 7.
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Co-autores: 4


  North Baja California is a Mexican state placed on an arid region of the Sonora desert where natural resources are scarce to sustain urban development. The state shows radical differences of urbanization levels between cities and rural settlements. Rural settlements constitute an important aspect to consider because nearly 20% of the population lives in scatter settlements on nearly 75% of the territory. Rural deprivation forces small communities to face several problems such as employment generation and deficiencies on water and energy supply. The practice of passive design defines strategies that might contribute to improve living conditions by means of reduction and management of energy consumption of low income housing. Therefore this paper has a double purpose in mind; the first is to characterize rural housing patterns and settlements in arid regions of southern Baja and the second is to assess local passive design strategies. Samples are taken from low income housing that differs from each other in the aspects of microclimatic conditions, use of building materials, size and layout. To fit these conditions six communities were chosen: Cataviñá, Bahía de los Angeles, Punta Prieta, Santa Rosaliíta, Nuevo Rosarito and Villa de Jesús María. Results of this work will help government programs that support housing to define strategies to reduce energy consumption, to design housing prototypes adequate to climate conditions, and to practice building procedures for rural settlements growth.