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JIRÓN, Paola et al. Using design to improve residential quality in Chilean low-income housing. In:CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE, 20., 2003, Santiago. Anais... Santiago: PLEA, 2003. p.1 - 8.
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  Improving residential quality in low-income housing requires integral and interdisciplinary approaches. However, architecture can play an important role in this process, particularly by considering the site and its context, improving design and incorporating active elements to the building. The first implies considering contextual elements such as geography, vegetation, orientation, climate, geo-morphology and/or urban characteristics as well as normative, social, cultural, political, economic elements. Improving design includes intervening in the building characteristics, its envelope, materiality, form, dimension, proposed use and distribution, amongst other. Finally, the incorporation of active elements can modify or support the natural existing conditions or those generated by design, and these may include the use of mechanical ways of air cooling, heating, ventilation, which may imply the use of energy external to that provided by the building itself. In the Chilean context, the first two are the most relevant today, particularly in low-income housing. The best way in which architecture can contribute to improving residential quality is by understanding what this quality implies. The research 1 on which this paper is based, FONDEF D00I1039 “Determining standards for housing wellbeing to improve the quality of housing construction in Chile”, uses a systemic approach to housing to comprehend this quality. This paper presents the main results obtained through morphological analysis and perception survey which can provide the key elements to be included in future design recommendations.