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VAN Schijndel, A. W. M. Integrated building physiscs simulation with femlab simulink matlab. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 8., 2003, Eindhoven. Anais... Eindhoven, 2003. p. 1177-1184.
VAN Schijndel, A. W. M.; DE Wit, M. H. Advanced simulation of building systems and control with simulink. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 8., 2003, Eindhoven. Anais... Eindhoven, 2003. p. 1185-1192.
VAN Schijndel, A. W. M.; ZMEUREANU, R.; Stathopoulos, T. Simulation of air infiltration through revolving doors. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 8., 2003, Eindhoven. Anais... Eindhoven, 2003. p. 1193-1200.
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