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DE Queiroz, T. C. F.; Bastos, L. E. G.; DEPECKER, P. Retrofitting building design with conscious of a passive thermal comfort. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 121-126.
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Examining the phenomena of retrofitting building design,this paper investigates significant architectural parameters for a passive indoor thermal comfort,exploring the attributes of building envelopes.Considering the building retrofitting and the rehabilitation phenomena,it accounts for a transformation into old buildings,where new attributes of indoor thermal comfort are required.In this way,one the challenges is the passive thermal control through exterior envelopes,which can affect the indoor mean temperature and the interior air humidity.Taking in account some architectural references of an increasing proportion of retrofitting building design,it is modelled a typical prototype building, which has the same characteristics of a building being designed.The prototype building is evaluated, considering a passive thermal system and the local climatic influences during a discomfort sequence.It serves to analyse architectural parameters related with envelopes conception and to correlate them with thermal design strategies.The obtained results suggest a simplified method dedicated to architects and engineers,to aid the pre-design and the preliminary phases during the architectural design process. Finally,this work contributes with an architectural research based on expert rules,taking a passive thermal design.