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ROBIN, C.; BRAU, J.; DEPECKER, P. SETIS: an intelligent System for Building thermal Design. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 2., 1991, Nice. Anais... Nice, 1991. p. 449-456.
pignolet-tardan, F.; DEPECKER, P.; gatina, J. C. A simplified coupled model for thermal behaviour and air flows simulation in urban spaces. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 1995, Madison. Anais... Madison, 1995. p. 370-377.
DE Queiroz, T. C. F.; Bastos, L. E. G.; DEPECKER, P. Retrofitting building design with conscious of a passive thermal comfort. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITETURE, 18., 2001, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 2001. p. 121-126.
PIGNOLET-TARDAN, F.; DEPECKER, P.; GATINA, J. C. A simplified coupled model for thermal behaviour and air flows simulation in urban spaces. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 1995, Madison. Anais... Madison: IBPSA, 1995. p. 1 - 8.
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