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BOYER, H.; BRAU, J.; GATINA, J. C. Multiple model software for airflow and thermal building simulation: a case study under tropical humid climate in Réunion Island. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 3., 1993, Adelaide. Anais... Adelaide, 1993. p. 111-117.
pignolet-tardan, F. et al. Modelling of the heat Island generated by an urban unit. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 5., 1997, Praga. Anais... Praga, 1997. p. 41-48.
Adelard, L. et al. Weather sequences for predicting HVAC system behavior in residential units located in climates tropical. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 5., 1997, Praga. Anais... Praga, 1997. p. 49-56.
Adelard, L. et al. Elaboration of a new tool for weather data sequences generation. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 6., 1999, Kyoto. Anais... Kyoto, 1999. p. 861-868.
PIGNOLET-TARDAN, F.; DEPECKER, P.; GATINA, J. C. A simplified coupled model for thermal behaviour and air flows simulation in urban spaces. In: BUILDING SIMULATION, 1995, Madison. Anais... Madison: IBPSA, 1995. p. 1 - 8.
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